Admission to the ICCI Academy is open to all students in preschool to 8th grade. The school does not discriminate in enrollment on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, handicap, or national origin. The ICCI Academy reserves the right to decline admission to students for the following reasons which are not considered inclusive of all reasons justifying denial of admission: if a student requires special education instruction beyond the scope of the school’s capability or capacity and if a student requires English as a second language instruction beyond the scope of the school’s capability or capacity. Enrollment opens during the month of May and continues until all available spots are filled in a given grade. Priority in enrollment is as follows:
Once a class is filled, all others will be placed on a waiting list for each class until there are enough students to open another class. In order for a new student to be considered for admission to the ICCI Academy, the following must be on file at the school:
The admissions committee will not start reviewing a file until all of the above items are completed. All admission decisions are communicated orally and in writing. In order for a new student to be considered fully registered and be considered enrolled at the ICCI Academy the following steps must be completed:
Due to the limited number of seats available and the desire of many families to join the ICCI Academy, parents of returning students must fill out and sign the Intent of Enrollment form by June 4th. Failure to do so may result in loss of enrollment privileges for the family for the following school year. In order for a returning student to be fully registered, the following must be completed:
Students who withdraw prior to the beginning of the school year after being fully registered will lose their registration fees. Students who withdraw after school begins will lose their paid fees and will also be responsible for tuition until the end of the month in which the withdrawal occurred.