Assalam Aleikum,
Dear parents, staff, and students,
We are excited and ready to safely welcome all of our students and staff to the 2023-2024 school year! I hope you are well relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. To all new staff members and students welcome to the ICCI Academy Full time school family. The staff and I are looking forward to another exciting year of learning at ICCI Academy! We are looking forward to learning, and growing together throughout the year.
We're eager to work closely with you to help our children do their very best. We understand that for our kids to succeed in school, they need support from both home and school. By partnering effectively, we can truly make a difference in your child's education. We want you to know that we're in this together, sharing the responsibility for our children's success. Rest assured, we're fully committed to doing everything we can to fulfill our roles.
I've enclosed our school rules for your reference, giving you and your child the chance to go over them as a team. If you have any questions about the rules or what's expected, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or chat with your child's teacher. Being well-informed about the guidelines for respectful conduct is vital to ensure a secure and successful school year for your child.
I'm excited to get to know all the parents and students this year. Parents, I invite you to join the PTO and be part of the team. Our first PTO meeting will be in September. To stay updated on upcoming events, you can check the yearly and monthly calendars on the website. Lastly, the staff and I can't wait for another year of exciting learning at
ICCI Academy
Thank you all for your support. May Allah accept all of your good deeds!
عن النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنه مرفوعاً: «مَثَلُ المُؤْمِنِينَ في تَوَادِّهِمْ وتَرَاحُمِهِمْ وتَعَاطُفِهِمْ، مَثَلُ الجَسَدِ إذا اشْتَكَى مِنْهُ عُضْوٌ تَدَاعَى له سَائِرُ الجَسَدِ بالسَّهَرِ والحُمَّى».
An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The believers, in their mutual love, compassion, and sympathy are like a single body; if one of its organs suffers, the whole body will respond to it with sleeplessness and fever."